It's that time of year again....Back to School. So what does that mean for The Shiva Murti Learning Center? A new school!! I have worked tirelessly on a new school for all my educational offerings, including retreats.
Since Ratu Nabe asked me to start teaching Shiva Murti in the US and beyond, I have built an incredible curriculum to pass Shiva Murti on to my students in the exact way it was intended to be taught. With Ratu Nabe's permission and blessing, I designed classes that will teach my students the correct way of how to heal people using Siwa Murti.
There are many offerings from The Shiva Murti Learning Center. One is Level 1. This course teaches the Balinese Hindu mythology and history of Siwa Murti, instruction on the sacred chant, how to build Kundalini energy, how to activate it and blow the energy, test points on the body, how to heal remotely and so much more. I co-teach sometimes with Jason and Janelle, and unless you are learning from us, you are not learning the true Shiva Murti. We have studied vastly for years with Ratu Nabe and he has given us a clear recipe and guidance for Shiva Murti. I started a new class on Sept. 18th and it's the biggest one yet! This class is filled with people from around the world who have all different backgrounds in healing or just want to be of service to family and friends.
A second offering from The Shiva Murti Learning Center is retreats to Bali for students to learn directly from Ratu Nabe and be initiated by him. Students are also immersed in Balinese culture and ceremonies, as well as exploring the richness of Bali and receiving healings from true Bali healers. My blog gives a break down of the last retreat, and I have testimonials posted from students about the experience. Just know, it is the game changer and a life changer.
Beginning January, I will be teaching level 2 to all students who have been initiated by Ratu Nabe. This is a whole new set of tools and understanding that truly expands the ability of the healer. This also qualifies them to go back to Bali and get initiated in this level too.
Coming soon to The Shiva Murti Learning Center is a business class. Many healers do not charge for their healings. But for the ones that do, this class teaches how to run a Shiva Murti business. I am currently the only one in America who's entire business is solely a Shiva Murti business. I have expansive knowledge and tools of how to run a Shiva Murti business and am so excited to share what I've learned pioneering this modality outside of Bali.
I've been a teacher for over 25 years, and bringing that skill and passion to this powerful healing energy medicine has been a life beyond my wildest dreams. I am so grateful I get to share this with people and that I have a school that teaches Shiva Murti.
Next Level 1 Class is September 18, 2022. Last Level 1 Class before Bali Spring 2023 is January 22, 2023.