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  • Writer's pictureNeil Aaron

Siwa Murti Healers’ Sacred Bali Retreat Day 10:

Farewell, but not goodbye. My least favorite day of the retreat is the last. I didn’t want all the magic in Bali to end. I didn’t want to get on a plane and I didn’t want to face the fact that some people I wouldn’t see for a while. We became a family and I felt like I just wanted to keep this adventure going. And so we have. We have an active text chain of healing each other and posting about our time in Bali together. I am excited for the next Bali retreats, the weekly Zoom daily practices, the socials we do together and the reunions on Zoom along the way.

But before I go, one last healing! Yasa, our beloved guide and translator needed a healing, and I was honored to be the one to do it. He brought such a special light to our experience and I don’t know what we would do without him. Yasa is more than an official Balinese issued guide, he's also a Temple Priest. His vast knowledge of culture and religion was so enriching to our experience. We are so grateful to have him as part of our community. We love you Yasa!

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